I find it amazing that it's so obvious that the Democrats in congress are as corrupt as they come to sell out America for money and power and control and will do anytthing to make it happen. It was observed in the book "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis as he reflected on the atrocities that sparked WWII that the most evil men the world aren't those who carry guns or look thuggish even. They are well dressed men who work in nice offices and rarely have a need to ever raise their voices such as were the Nazi leaders who ushered in a reign of terror.
So, here we are in the middle of the Great Recession (Government Engineered, American Tested, Obama Approved) with an unemployment rate of ~10% (which makes the 3% under Bush look laughable) and suddenly in light of Arizona's immigration law congress is racing to pass a law to make Arizona law illegal.
So here's what I find interesting: The American People didn't want Obama Kare, it's illegal and unconstitutional, but it was passed anyways.
What I also find interesting is the notion that the illegals, before this law was passed, could not be detained unless they broke the law (i.e. stealing). But the fact that millions of them engaged in identity theft and were in the country illegally was not grounds for detention. Meanwhile if a white man engages in identity theft we're going to haul him to court and put him in prison and ruin his life......sounds pretty racist to me.
Thomas Paine, in his book "Common Sense" noted that the ones who were most unsuited for democracy and freedom in America were those who had allegiances to other forms of government or ideologies. I'm reading about anchor-babies who are now adult American Citizens who are complaining about the law because many of their friends are illegals.
Thomas paine also observed how the law was used in England to supress the people and keep them under wraps, such as by their taxation laws which deprive people of the resources they needed to provide for themselves to stand against the government. Our government is doing that as well by depriving our democracy of an open and fair vote by filling the pool with tens of millions of welfare recipients whos votes are bought by giving them citizenship to keep the government in pwer.
In all the world there is nothing worse than a traitor.
I know the hispanics are complaining about racial profiling and saying they aren't doing anything wrong, yet in interviews in the news, again, they talk about hanging with friends who are illegals - they are part of the problem and need to go as well. They support them, give them moral support, money, clothing, food, shelter....I think they have helped bring it on themselves and unfortunately have dragged millions of law abiding hispanic American Citizens into the fray because of their actions. But these actions are what the Arizona law is specifically designed to combat.
Personally? I love the Mexican culture. I love the food, I love the traditions, the families - but I can't abide the illegals, the laziness to learn a language of their host country, the dishonesty and deceit that comes with it all. America, to preserve herself in times past has had to pass some unsavory laws such as the Alien and Sedition Act. This is a nasty time in America and our infrastructure is crumbling - it's time for some drastic action. Hats off to Governer Brewer for signing the law!