Military Fashion Bonus......

posted by sooyup

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The advertizing message of this photo to the ladies is that "if you own or carry this gun you will look like her and guys will be attracted to you"....or scared of you.....or be attracted to being scared of you. I guarantee you that advertizing is absolutely correct.   Notice the inquisitive look - as in "what are you doing here?" But notice because she's fully armed, she doesn't need to look like a jerk or some East German steroidal shemale feminazi to get her point across.  She can look charming and feminine and still let the gun do the menacing for her.  This is skilled and a classic! She's obviously not overbearing as a person as a result and knows where she stands in a relationship without having to go over the top to prove it and is confident enough to not have to work too hard to get your attention.  AND if you misread her...well...your loss. Probably a great mom. I'd give this about a really high 9.9 on a scale of 1 to 10.

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