I don't know how many people listen to conservative talk radio who read my blog.
I became interested in talk radio in 2003 when I started driving truck and was on the road for 12 hours a day and got sick of the same music OVER and OVER, but also because I hadn't yet found a news outlet that reported accurately what I saw overseas.
THEN I found Rush.
Who doesn't know Rush? I think everyone's heard of him. So today I won't write on Rush - I'll save that for another day. However, since I found rush I've become somewhat a conniseur of media personalities and types on both TV and radio and can talk more intelligently about them than some people can sports.
The reason I decided to write about some of the radio commentators and hosts is because as conservatives, it's important for us to stay informed as well as stay connected. Finding sources to stay informed so we don't accidentally drink liberal cool-aid (drinking the cool-aid I found out is a reference to the Jones Town Massacre) and so we can tell the difference between liberal cool-aid and conservative truth is essential for the survival of our nation - if you remember the commentary of the KGB defector I posted in my blog a while back .
But with the current developments in this country, one who's very interesting to me is Mark Levin. < Radio show website found here.
Mark's credentials as a radio talk show host are interesting because of his roots in law: Levin served as advisor to several members of President Ronald Reagan's Cabinet, eventually becoming Associate Director of Presidential Personnel and ultimately Chief of Staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese; Levin also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education, and Deputy Solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Mark Levin is also a Constitutional Scholar and a Constitutional Attorney - certified and able to argue a case before the Supreme Court.
He is also the President of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a non profit legal firm dedicated to smaller and limited government.
What's interesting though is with the current march of Obama Care, Mark, as the President of Landmark Legal Foundation put together the challenges to Obamacare to stop the bill as unconstitutional if "Deem and Pass" was used and was apparently a force to be reckoned with that forced them to go with a straight up and down vote.
He doesn't say a whole lot of what's being done but currently Mark has hinted that his foundation is involved in the current challenges by the states against the Fed claiming Obamacare is unconstitutiona - though such wranglings are often secret before they get launched.
His style? He can be smug and quite contentious, openly berating liberal idiocy - sometimes a bit too contentious for me. I think it might have to do with who he lets on his show though because there's a lot of pretensious people who seem to pull stuff out of their rear on the constitution and government and....well, you're talking to a constitutional attorney! I do think some prozac might help.
A funny moment was the other day he asked a liberal caller if they were trying to pick an argument with him and the caller said "why would I even do that? You got all those switches and dials at your command I don't even stand a chance. I don't know why people even think they can argue with you."
However, educationally, if you're interested in hearing someone discourse on the legal aspects of the constitution as it relates to current issues on the radio, I can think of no one better than Mark Levin really. Here's a link to some of his audio and to his show streaming live.
Here's a link to locate a radio station near you that broadcasts him (if there's on nearby).
And lastly, here's a link to the Landmark Legal Foundation.
Plug in Conservatives!