Books I've Read: Patrick F. McManus "The Night The Bear Ate Goombaw"

posted by sooyup

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Patrick F. McManus has probably been one of my favorite authors since my youth.  An outdoor humorist who grew up in the 1940's in Rural Idaho, his humor is what I would consider a classic American type along the lines of Mark Twain that would only come from growing up in Rural America before the advent of urbanization.

Whether you're a hunter, an angler, a camper, and outdoors enthusiast or not, McManus will leave you in stitches!  I don't know that I have ever shared a McManus book with someone and they didn't love it and end up cracking up over it.

A collection of short stories, such as "The Grasshopper Trap" (the best way to catch a butt load of grasshoppers for fishing bait in true redneck fashion and sell them to become a wealthy fisherman without having to do any work) or "The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw" (a family outing with a paranoid demented grandmother who can set even the most hardened outdoor enthusiast on edge) it really is a good laugh.

SO!  As you can see, you can purchase the book (at the time of the posting of this) for $0.01 + shipping, (From whoever is selling them) and there's an entire collection of his.  But it's something I guarantee the outdoor enthusiast even if they don't really enjoy reading would enjoy.

His total works include:

A Fine and Pleasant Misery (1978)

They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? (1981)

Never Sniff A Gift Fish (1983)

The Grasshopper Trap (1985)

Rubber Legs and White Tail-Hairs (1987)

The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw (1989)

Real Ponies Don't Go Oink (1991)

The Good Samaritan Strikes Again (1992)

How I Got this Way (1994)

Never Cry "Arp!" And Other Great Adventures (1996)

Into The Twilight, Endlessly Grousing (1997)

Kerplunk!: Stories (2007)

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