Obama's Ties to BP Hampered Govt. Response to Oil Spill

posted by sooyup

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Now the mud slinging is getting interesting!  Like to see him spin his way out of this one!

Palin has now asserted that the reason that Obama's been so slow to respond to the BP spill is because he's received large donations from the company.   I wonder what career Gibbs will have when Obama gets ousted in 2012.....actually I wonder what career Obama will have when he gets outsted in 2012....follow the new president around and make excuses?   However many tens of thousands of dollars BP gave away....they can give it to me! I'll only buy gas at BP and even put a BP sticker on my car (which is a huge sacrifice here in Portland Oregon People's Republic Of and puts my life in danger of being accosted by prius driving hemp smoking hippies).

Read Story Here.

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