
posted by sooyup

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Um, so lets see - in the nearly 24 months since the Kenyan in Chief has been in office - um, conservatives - namely military veterans (Such as your friendly blog writer here) have been put on the Department of Homeland Security's terror watch list as potential domestic enemies, as well as Christians and opponents of abortion, the President has sued an American state, 35 states have sued the federal government over healthcare because the Congress rammed through a bill that 68% of Americans want repealed and which puts you in prison for not purchasing healthcare (See related picture), the Kenyan in Chief has snubbed Christmas and the national day of prayer as well as pressured the Department of Justice to not pursue any cases in which white people were the victims......I could go on......has told hispanic voters that they need to vote to "punish America's enemies" in reference to white voters.......

Yes - if you're a white American - you're the enemy - wait - let me ask this:  How many of his secret service guards are white - you know - the guys who take a bullet for the president?  Those guys who die instead of him...yeah - how many are white?

I think that man owes his LIFE in office to the loyalty of at least a few thousand white people who uphold their oaths and have a sense of duty that transcends skin color who have been willing to protect him and help him fulfill his duties of office. Where's the racism of white people now?

He's sooooo a one-termer though.  So - republicans will win big - he's going to try to blame them in 2012 for his deliberate inabilities to accomphish and his deliberate attempts to destroy things and he'll also blame bush - but some states have passed laws requiring his citizenship to be validated again if he runs again - but the democrats are like rats on a sinking ship right now I am pretty sure they won't stand by him in 2012 or even be able to anyways.

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