Where the White Man Went Wrong

posted by sooyup

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Some of you have probably seen this but I had to post it - and makes me think - what does this make Obama the black/white president who wants to overthrow EVERYTHING and make it worse?   If he was really smart, he could make it so we were all living in utopia with people forever thanking and remembering him - but instead he takes the low road, full of vindictiveness and hatred and spite and poison in his heart....

On a historical thought, I just got done watching something on the Salem Witch Trials (I am a descendant of Puritans - although I have to say one of my grandmothers really didn't seem to buy into the hocus-pocus nonsense that was religious piety back then and spoke her mind freely resulting in her being fined in court for "profanity" (She called a woman a "smoking lying firebrand from hell" over an accusation of theft), and it suddenly occurred to me, "America" had been around for 169 years, 1 month and 20 days until July 4th 1776 from the founding of Jamestown - the first permanent settlement.

So....while we think of the "founding fathers" as some "really old dudes" who lived a long time ago - really - America began 403 years 5 months and 18 days ago from today.  The founding fathers?  Came along only 2/5ths of the way through American history.  TWO FIFTHS of American History was before the American Revolution.  Three fifths after including today.

It is interesting, the end of the Witch Trials, largely marked the end of Puritanism - Yet puritanism was in one part largely responsible for the expansion into the new world, yet Puritanism couldn't hold on to it.  Freedom couldn't thrive underneath it. So it seems that when one system passes away another comes in its place until the purposes of God are accomplished - we are all but stepping stones in the works of God.

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