A WWI movie...no really...not the trailer...the full MOVIE....here....
This is a WWI movie with not too thick of a plot other than watching some sweet antique aircraft going through the paces, and exploring the psychological impact of front-line service on the men in WWI.
I enjoy the cerebralness of older movies. Also, the older they are, the closer they are to the older eras they are about which leaves it easier to capture even the social realities of the era.
When I was a kid, some WWI veterans came to our school and talked to us about the flag and about how the stars represent the states. They were in their VFW hats. They don't make any WWI veterans anymore, nor are there any around anymore. Some of my early heroes were the WWI Fighter Pilots Raul Luffberry and Willy Coppens.
I might still buy me one of these aircraft. The one thing that amazes me is that the pilots weren't given parachutes because military commanders were afraid the pilots would bail out and sacrifice the plane, which instead cost many lives of pilots who could have jumped to safety to fly again when their planes were destroyed in flight.
posted by sooyup on aviation, history, movies