Media Turning On Dear Leader?

posted by sooyup

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You know, I thought when Dear Leader was going to become President we would all fly around in vehicles powered by our own sense of self-satisfaction.......or off unicorn farts.

Anyways, when even James Carville is saying what he's saying.....the spinmeister....something's wrong.

But Napolitano is an @$$kisser learshipless flop of a douchebag moron (that's as strong as it gets on here) on everything as it goes.

Repsectfully, I assess behavior for a living and assess personality traits, and she may as well tape a sign to her forehead "I am lying, I want you to like me, I have no clue whats going on, but for the sake of my job I'd better sound tough and blame someone, and I hope you buy this because I'm not even buying my own performance the way things are going ,things are bad, I know it, but I'm going to keep lying in hopes this just goes away so I can get the paycheck and keep the job."

It's baaaaad......*sigh*

Well, wonder how our first colored president, being a douchebag liar is going to set the stage for other non-white presidential candidates in the future.  That's what I'm starting to wonder.

Did he ruin it for them all? 

Just wondering.   I'd go for Lt. Col. West for president but man....this guy (BO) needs to go and take all his slime buckets with him.

I'm starting to wonder if this is a prank from God to make him look bad - no seriously - I think God has a sense of humor and hates the guy though - remember at the global warming summit?  A blizzard?  Now with cap and trade going on, we have a massive volcano that disrupts everything and belches more ash and pollution into the air that's the biggest disruption to world flight ops in world history.  Now a BP spill.  Is it just me or since this guy took office the earth is just NOT cooperating and conspiring to make him look bad?

Now a giant crack in the earth chasing the presidential motorcade through LA for 20 miles while it gets filmed from a chopper.....that would be entertainment.  I'd place bets that Joe McGaffe Biden's limo would go first....but not before he hits an old lady on cruches or something......ahhh fantasies fantasies.

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