I found a link to the plans to destroy the conservative Tea Party Movement: Click here to read the plans and visit the website: Crash The Tea Party
Their plans are to infiltrate, misrepresent and disrupt the movement while claiming to be Tea Partiers to bring it down from within.
Unfortunately this tactic is as old as dissent itsself. Fortunately, we have a long train of history to draw from and learn from to prevent this from happening. The Nazis, for example, staged an attack on their own radio station at Gleiwitz while claiming Poland was behind the attack and used the "attack" to justify the invasion of Poland to start WWII.
I have not attended a Tea Party Rally yet, but I identify myself with their values and support them when and where I can.
For ONCE, conservatives on so many issues are in the majority.
However, while I am NOT a fan at ALL of this administration, what the the government is doing is abominable and is striking us down from within, the enemy is in our own highest levels of government, one has to ask "What do we do?"
Fortunately, we also have thousands of examples in American History itsself from our own forefathers to draw from in our founding.
Our Founding Fathers did not declare independence and war on their own country at the first offense and not until every single other option had been exhausted at their disposal.
We think of them as Americans.
They were British and were fighting against their homeland and turned against their motherland and their families that still lived overseas. The revolution was by no means a clean, easy or even decisive victory very early on and only the hand of God Himself could have helped them fight against the world superpower that was Britain in 1776. But, let it be remembered, war was only the last resort when all other means were absolutely exhausted and all other means had failed to reconcile themselves to their motherland which had brought them here.
Washington's Colonial Army suffering defeat had to retreat across the Delaware River to escape Cornwallis' army in order to survive. Cornwallis was rumored to be waiting for the river to freeze over so they could pursue the Americans and finish them off. Washington decided that now was the time for a bold move, they would return across the river they retreated across in the night and catch the British off guard - and this they did with the utmost difficulty while fighting the ice that made crossing nearly impossible. The result? 25 revolutionaries killed while capturing 1,000 British soldiers and their supplies. Few thought it could be done.
We are down, but we are not done. America will not fail by the hand of God if we do not. America has been brought to its knees many times but due to the courage and patriotism and blessings of God has conquered the forces that have arisen against her in years passed.
I've had the opportunity to talk to the men who fought in WWII. I asked one of them once, "Did you think you would win the war? After all that you faced, did you really believe America would win?" He said "We knew we would."
Here is a photo fo the Doolittle Raiders as they launched in April of 1942 to bomb Tokyo to show the Japanese and America that we were down but not out. In the Navy I also bugled for the U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Honor Guard in Asia. I personally played Taps over the graves of many of these men still buried on islands in the South Pacific that paved the way for our freedom from the threat of the Japanese Empire. I can tell you many of them died in some horrible and seemingly God Forsaken places.
As a Sailor I took and oath to my country to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those who incite violence in my homeland are just as much the enemy as those who are subverting the constitution - they are one and the same. They WANT violence in the homeland so they can round you up. They count on your greed and laziness to take their bribes and continue to vote for the redistribution of wealth.
Our numbers are greater this time, my fellow Americans. We need not fear. This doesn't mean that we can sit back and let history take its course, but the numbers are on our side and if we use the means of redress and political processes and our free speech to further our cause, we can save our country.
We need to let our leaders know we will NOT be pushed around but we are not enemies that need to be rounded up and feared. We are the good guys. We have the better ideas, the better plans and the better vision for America that is better for everyone and we need people to come to our side.
This is AMERICA! We are the land that makes the impossible happen. Our constitution wasn't designed to enslave us and we weren't designed to take it.
But at the same time, those that threaten congress...undermine the conservative cause and the values of our country. It isn't time for that until there is absolutely no recourse left, and if it ever comes to that, then may God be with us as a nation.
Its a time to move on our congress and speak out and be heard and educate our children and change the course of our nation. We have much left at our disposal and much left to do. Lets learn our duty and do it and continue to draw others to our cause!!!
Right now the enemy is here at home, many of us served overseas, now it's time to serve here at home so our brothers and sisters in arms have something to defend and come home to......And may God bless America....
"These are times that try men's souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." ~ Thomas Paine i n"The American Crisis," December 1776.
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