LADIES: Going on a date? How you dress as well as what you drive can be very important if you're going to impress a guy. If you're going to show up ready to go to work and with a nice ride as pictured below, I guarantee you will have no problem turning the guys' heads. However, just be sure you're driving a two seater. It's kind of egotistical to show up in a one seater, it's like saying "I'm better than you" or "there's no room for you in my life but I wanted to show you how great my life is without you" meanwhile you're armed to the hilt with every kind of conceivable missile? It kind of comes across a bit too strong. Nice, but needs to be toned down a bit....unless you want the guy to sit on your lap or ride on the back like he's on the back of a motorcycle and are going to let him fire off a couple of your missiles.

I would give this about a 9/10. While the plane is a bit old fashioned, anyone her age and into such a ride is going to have grown up ogling such a piece of machinery (I'm talking about the plane) and finally get to ride in what they grew up ogling (still talking about the plane) - although an F-22 would have pushed this up to a 10/10.