posted by sooyup

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Okay, so now Pelosi is being threatened over the healthc care bill.  FBI makes arrests.  I THINK SHE LIKES IT!   <- Click here to read about it.

I mean, think about it.  How afraid can she actually be when you've got a secret service and an FBI and your own fleet of military aircraft and defense contractors who can watch over you, tap your phones, monitor your house from a sattlite and be on instant response because you're 3rd in command of the U.S. in the event that Obama and Biden die from shaking hands and someone not washing their hands beforehand (THERES STIL HOPE!!!)?  

They've been WAITING for this.  WANTING it. I bet she's thrilled to death about it.  Because now the people who don't want the healthcare bill are the enemy.  Are violent.  Are dangerous and are just the people she needs to squash and mobilize against. (And in this guy's case are incompetent - it's stupid enough to threaten a representative and even stupider to get caught - I just told mine to go back to Taiwan and left it at that).

Threats of Violence against these turkeys can only be to their advantage.  I hate to go Star Wars on here but it just gives them an opportunity to serve the state with their stupidity, unlike Luke who would join them by becoming royally-Jedi-Ticked-Off, these guys make a photo op while sitting in their cell and then make a great prop when they finally hang for their crimes and the neccessitation of Big Brother is enacted to protect us ALL from people like that. 

Just like there's been NOTHING found of ANYONE spitting or calling names at the congressmen as they walked THROUGH the demonstrators for the vote (like they can't go through the back door and don't normally) and nothing happened, though the Dems wanted something to - so bad they had to make something up - this only serves their purpose.

I'm still wondering where are the other people who threatened the other democrat congressmen?  They caught the one threatening the republican, but none threatening the dems (except this guy).  This tells me one of two things:

Either - there were no threats and it was all made up and staged.  OR - democrat antagonists are stupider than conservative ones because only the democrat threatening the republican got caught....until today.
Way to go, idiot.

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