HEAR NOW: The News........

posted by sooyup

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QUESTION:  IF the tea partiers and conservatives are a bunch of racist sexist homophobes, why do people have to infiltrate the tea parties to make them look like racist sexist homophobes?  Aren't they that already?  Wouldn't the news have shown it?  The liberals are so stuck on 1968......(um 42 years ago).

And now....the news.

And yet again, we've rounded THE corner on economic recovery.  Somehow I thought we went round that corner back in August or something.  Maybe we're going in circles? Must be what they call "Spinning" - going round and round. Way to go Obama Economic advisor!

YET ANOTHER CRISIS IF WE DO NOT ACT IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT THE ECONOMY FROM FAILING!!!  Um, remember that stimulus bill?  That we HAD to pass or we would face a catastrophe?  Why have 48/50 states lost jobs then? 

Senator Barbara Boxer faces a tough re-election battle.  GOOD FOR HER!  She's a walking talking government sponsored personality disorder that needs to go into the real world.   What should we call her when she's no longer a senator since she hates being called "Ma'am?"

CAP AND TAX TO BE UNVEILED APRIL 26th!!!  Hopefully it will be warm enough then and they can count on people forgetting the disaster of a winter we've had by that time to con us into giong along with this...or just running over us with it like they did healthcare.  By the way, the U.S. uses 75% of the worlds energy consumption but only emits 25% of the worlds carbon emissions - meanwhile the rest of the world uses 25% of the worlds energy consumption but emits 75% of the carbon that our world is made out of.  We're 3 times as efficient as the rest of the world at reducing our emissions!

TEXAS (go figure) BRINGS BACK PADDLING TO THE CLASSROOM!!!  Go figure that corporal punishment is legal in 20 states and mostly in the south but - hey - if it works!  Apparently it does!  They obviously aren't a bunch of liberals so it must be doing something right! 

Harry Reid's OUTTA THERE come November (Who are we kidding? Really is he going to win?)  I just put this in here because I think he's a disgrace. Remember him saying that unemployed men beat their wives a few months ago?  Does that mean Harry Reid is going to beat his wife when he gets dumped in november?  Does that mean Obama is to blame for domestic violence?

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