*I apologize for the spelling errors in the earliest versions of this entry. I type at ~100wpm and the system I was on didn't have Firefox and was routed through Wisconsin and couldn't keep up and I was in a time crunch*
General Sherman, in his book "Memoirs" of the Civil War reflected dryly in the beginning of his book, "As usual, the critic only need disagree to show he is superior."
It became a joke then when one of my enlightened intellectual conservative friends would say something to say "I disagree....and therefore I am smarter than you." The premise is, if I agree with you I'm only AS smart as you. But if I disagree, I am automatically smarter!
How many people play this pretense while disagreeing with Bush? Or did? So many people without a college degree, life experience relevant to the discussion or even a job were experts on military strategy and world affairs because they watched CNN and believed everything fed to them by the Communist News Network (CNN). They could instantly at the drop of a hat catapult themselves to the forefront of intellectual superiority by calling the president an idiot while all their liberal friends sat in a circle grunting in agreement and slurring swear words about what a moron he was. And that's about as smart as it gets. Pretty common, pretty lame, but when you know what the tactic is, you can ask for their supporting evidence and tn disagree with THEM - automatically making YOU smarter. HA!
Now, the idiot teacher who works only a few blocks from my house who wanted to crash the Tea Parties is being told by the Tea Partiers that they don't want his job -just a lesson learned. Perhaps that's not the job of the Tea Party. In a politically charged environment it may backfire on them. Click here to read the story***
However: I disagree (and am automatically smarter than them).
If what the Tea Party stands for is accountability with the government, and being tired of our children force-fed liberal policies and brainwashing ideas and are calling for our country back with a return to conservative values - then YOU'RE DARNED RIGHT HE SHOULD LOSE HIS JOB!!!!
I don't want some liberal dork who doesn't know that "bearing false witness against your neighbor" is unethical. Who thinks its okay to spread racism and homophobia and fear falsely in an attempt to gain control and power over a political process of a nation in charge of my child's education. NO WAY! Those are NOT the people who should be raising the coming generation. At what point does the law and ethics and morals come together. It may not be illegal but it certainly lacks judgment and discretion and therefore shouldn't be tolerated.
Suddenly the Tea Party to me lost its teeth and became just more politically correct white noise in the background that has no intention of meaning what it says all this.
I have no intentions of shaking hands with someone who does such a thing and playing like I'm okay with it (speaking of the teacher) when I'm not. He should be out of a job. Period. His personal views are fine. But when he lacks the ethics one expects or his job requires....end of story. We have too many people like him in pulic office and a society that is too complicit in letting them stay in office.
I disagree! Vehemently!
posted by sooyup