LIAR LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE......Taxes going up!!!!!

posted by sooyup

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Remember this?  REMEMBER??????

Notice, the American people cheered at all this.  Suddenly I'm wondering what he told Michelle he would give her if she married him and what promises he broke in marrying her or what's in it for her.  Now I'm wondering if he does the same things to his kids and lies to them and then tells them they were wrong in what they thought they were getting and if he screws them over too.  Some people shouldn't be parents let alone presidents.....

Now here's another one: 95% will get a tax break....

Now, Obama Administration says, get ready to "consider" your taxes going up to bring the deficit (which Dems created and Obama signed and we didn't want and he campaigned against) under control....

WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP?   Seriously?  I hope we have enough ammo to stop this turkey come fall. For REAL.  If he gets re-elected and the democrats take more seats.....THEN I KNOW we as a nation are doomed.   Fool us (okay, a lot of americans, not me, I wasn't fooled) once, shame on us, but fool us twice?  Not happening here. NOOOOOO way!

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