Something smells fishy on *this one* < click here.
A school put tracking software on the laptops students were taking home and then it turns out the laptops were snapping photos of students in their rooms while the laptops were open get the picture (free unintended pun!).
What I find interesting is its a female school worker in this case who's refusing to turn over the laptop that has the pictures of the male student - having studied sex offenders and the psychopathology of sexual deviance in psychology - of course this piques my curiousity.
In sex offender cases things are ALWAYS mysteriously convoluted or explained away or show a lack of details and depth and stuff turns up missing. Things just don't fit or they fit too nicely and explanations are too easy. And of course you're an idiot and ridiculed for thinking such a thing, yet when you ask "WELL....????!!!" the answer is always lacking. The computers aren't being turned over willingly without waiting for court injunctions to prove innocence or are turned over but only after arguing over what "the definition of is is" and claiming misunderstandings over the whole court order.......somethings' up. If I had such an accusation I'd be forking over everything and strapping a polygraph onto myself without even being asked.
The stats on female sex offenders are skewed by our culture which generally holds female sex offenders relatively guiltless by the numbers by comparison to their male counterparts and often the women offenders are portrayed as the victims of abusive men in the past or of society.
You CANT TELL ME that there was NO foreknowledge or anticipation on the school's part that these laptops would be snapping pictures every 15 minutes in students bedrooms with them "living life" and people would be seeing it or that they had the capability.
No pervert in their "right mind" would have missed out on that one coming up or have not seen it from a thousand miles off or eagerly volunteered to be responsible for the program.
I am waiting for the defense that the student knew it and somehow played a role in this, but, given that the news of the feature's ability was relatively unknown - it's going to be hard for the school district to say "we both reached for the gun."
Anyways, just another reason my kids don't attend public education.
posted by sooyup