Tired of liberals always telling us we've got it wrong......?

posted by sooyup

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I'm beginning to hate even more the liberal tendency, especially with healthcare, and ESPECIALLY with our president, of telling us that we are always misinformed, misunderstood them or took things out of context.
I'm reminded daily of George Orwell's book "1984" (a must read if you haven't, seriously, it was banned in communist countries for several decades and is the operating template of the democrat party/liberalism/socialism in general) of how the media was bombarding the people with the war against Eurasia. Then the war turned against Eastasia and Eurasia became an ally, and anyone who said that Eurasia was EVER the enemy now or in the past was an enemy to the state.

Here's another one from 1984.  How many times have we been told that we are rounding the corner on the economy by our Dear Leader?  I remember being told that back in  AugustSeptember.  November and on and on........another communist tactic.  Since all food was rationed in "1984" to make it look like life was improving, the people were constantly bombarded with the increases in production of the various industrial sectors. One of the most common was chocolate rations.  When chocolate production did not increase as they wished it to, the party leaders went back to the forecasts and edited them so that their forecasts were right on where current production was so that they could show that things DID improve, they were expert prognosticators, and anyone who said differently was a thought criminal and an enemy to stability.

Now we have a congressman who said he doesn't care about the constitution in regards to healthcare, and now he's screaming that he's been taken out of context (Click here to see how stupid you are and how badly you misunderstood him).  And you can go back in my blog to see the original clips.

Now there's Senator Lincoln from Arkansas who voted for healthcare reform against the will of the people of the state who's stating that despite the people not wanting healthcare she ACTUALLY is misunderstood in what she did with her vote in allowing this to pass. Click here to find out how stupid you are and how brilliant Senator Lincoln is and how badly you misunderstood her.

Meanwhile Obama keeps going out and lying through his teeth.  Claiming there's a ton of misinformation about his healthcare and all this is a big conspiracy against him

Anyone else getting tired of this?

I personally think it's time to cut through the chit-chat nonsense and start calling them what they are: LIARS!

This guy had it right!

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