28th Ammendment - Why it Doesn't Work.

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You may see something floating around in your email called the 28th Amendment to the Constitution which calls on congress to be treated exactly the same as all American citizens and have no special priveleges under the law.

Currently there are some special privileges that members of congress receive that ordinary Americans do not and they are set forth by the constitution its self. 

One of the things the early American colonists (who were English by and large) were very familiar with was the abuse of law upon the delegates of the law to prevent democracy from being represented or enacted fully.  An example?  Trumped up charges against an elected official that required him to be arrested so that he could not attend a vote, thereby ensuring the people in power that they could influence any vote however they wished through carefully planned arrests.  Unfortunately this kind of behavior was very common under our last King, King George.  Hence, the constitution makes congressional officials exempt from the law if they are on their way to vote.

This is just one example that comes to mind amidst this 28th Amendment to the Constitution notion that is floating around.  But, Americans, ignorant of their past, were they to be able to successfully pass a 28th Amendment to the constitution would be cutting off their own nose to spite their face so to speak. 

Amidst all the moral arguments for national ID's and now for congress to pass a law that revokes any special privileges that they might enjoy or even require as congressional delegate, the point is becoming increasingly clear to me: John Adams was right when he said "Our constitution is designed for a moral and a religious people and is wholly inadequate for any other."

Our constitution is unable to function as a tool of compulsion.  The constitution was designed to limit the powers of the government, not the people, and requires a certain level of moral accountability in order for it to even have a chance at surviving.

I'm pretty right-wing myself, but I have friends who are even further right-wing than I am who are the types who spend their times in courtrooms representing themselves against the IRS and have won and they do not have any forms of national ID or state ID because there aren't provisions in the law that require them to have it (can we say tatoo on your forearm like Auschwitz?).

This is where, sadly, I find many if not most conservatives very uneducated and they are still operating from a reference point in terms of knowledge from their own life experience and do not fully understand what the laws are or what they say or what they were designed for.  These are the types of things conservatives NEED to understand and educate themselves on. Our constitution was born as a product from a period when the law was exceptionally corrupt.  The men who wrote it had seen and knew VERY WELL the corruption the governments could exercise because they had lived it, had been attorneys within them, had defended them and had been subject to them.

If we are to understand our freedoms today and why this idiot Kenyan-in-chief is damned dangerous - perniciously dangerous - our survival as a nation will hinge on us understanding those precepts.  I say survival because I mean "survival."  It is obvious that this man and those who believe in him and follow him will not stop until everything is undone and the US as we know it and recognize it with her laws no longer exist.  They are not joking around.  A national civilian police militia?  A snitch hot line for false propaganda?  Monitoring your bank accounts real-time?  Passing bills that require you to pay to the government money or be fined or even go to prison?  All the while they smile and joke about how silly the notions are and people, like they did in November of '08 still fall for it.

DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID. It looks good and even smells sweet but it will kill you. Slowly, surely, and the antidote?  May only be another armed revolution some years down the road as the regime wraps its tentacles tighter and tighter around things which make anything else impossible.

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