I was too lazy and uninspired to write anything of any real significance this morning as the stupidity and immorality keeps piling up out there. You can only comment on stupidity and point it out so many times before people start to think you're stupid for picking on the poor kenyan retard so much because he obviously can't help it. So here's something to amuse yourself until I come up with something better to write. You'll need Java in order to play it. click here You know what? No, I've got something to say. I think we all know where the system stands now and the system isn't in our favor. Students being sent home for wearing American flags. Congress lying about protesters. The media disappointed the NYC bomber wasn't a tea partier. CNN lying and distorting the rallies. Obama claiming to do everything he can. Rahm Emanuel exploiting emergencies in order to further his political gain. Rushing through healthcare that doesn't take place for a few years. Overriding the will of the people. Ignoring an oil spill to allow it to destroy beaches sothey can use it to justify banning drilling and force people into buying pedal powered Priuses. Just emergency after emergency that THEY CREATE and use those emergencies and crisises as an excuse to take away more of our freedoms. I think it's pretty obvious where the freedom needs to be taken away from. I don't know how much more plainly it can be said or how much more clearly it needs to be shown. Now, go enjoy the sand game with your Java application. Try clicking on the small words on the bottom left and then playing with it. Build something and pretend it's a democrat being destroyed or buried with the pen. Enjoy for a few.
posted by sooyup