Is It Just Me Or Are There More Terror Attacks Under Obama Than Bush?

posted by sooyup

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Obviously not counting 9/11.

Um, let's see, we just had the Times Square thing, we had the Christmas Underwear Bomber, the rampage on Fort Hood, there was a diplomat the other day who said he was trying to light his shoe on fire (was being funny but F-15's were scrambled anyways) and you have the idiot Department of Homeland Secuirity Janet Napolitano who's saying "the system worked the way it was supposed to" in all this.   Does a rancher being shot on his own property by illegals count?  I don't know that is terrorism but that is the feds responsibility.

Here's the Times Square Link.

Just - I thought the world was supposed to LOVE us now that we have a Kenyan-in-Chief in charge.  So I thought we shouldn't have ANYTHING happening whatsoever. NOTHING.  Anytime Obama wants to part the seas so BP can get down there and stop up that stupid oil well would be great too since he apparently has that power. 

But no, the Kenyan-in-chief is too busy trying to reduce us to third world healthcare and get into your bank accounts and make it too expensive to live here so we are reduced to despotism - I think he WANTS these things to happen to us. 

I realize now why it's so important that only someone who is natural born here become the president - which he was not and unfortunately is the de-facto president.   There is a sense of allegiance and cultural inculcation that occurs when you are raised here.  Sure we are all different and have different views but clearly this guy is the exception as he was able to be indoctrinated overseas and his education funded by left wing radicals that a natural born would not have had access to and clearly is attempting to undermine our constitution.  Honestly though?  His plans were lousier than John Edwards.  I'm going to have to go with the 'he-wouldn't-have-been-elected-if-he'd-been-white' take on all this.  Everyone was just so fascinated with having a not-white person as the president.  We all know that was the problem.  It wasn't that Bush was stupid it was he was WHITE.  Oh and that George Washington guy?  WAYYYY too white.

What's going to happen when Arizona forces him to show his birth certificate for 2012?  Or will Arizonans just not be allowed to vote for him?  Or will he just not run again and figure he's done enough damage?  I can only hope.

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