You know, I can only handle so much stupidity.
Our president and every single damned one of his cronies are so flipping corrupt that there's no hiding it anymore and I've stopped being amazed at what's going on.
I know Obama is lying anytime he speaks because he's talking. He's a pathological sociopath histrionic freakazoid.
Anytime he says something I know I'm being lied to. I've kind of stopped following the news for a couple days just because I keep reading the headlines or hearing them and saying "more crap...more lies."
Like the announcement the other day about the U.S.'s nuclear arsenal number. Oh, we're finally coming clean on all this? Um, only if you're an idiot uninformed civilian with no clue about military strategy, intelligence capability or a complete and utter lack of the ability to critically think would this be meaningful to you. Any country with any modicum of an intelligence capability already knows all this. And any of them who don't know it or can't figure it, you can't compete with us. Besides, the NUMBER doesn't tell you fricking anything. Where are they deployed, what's the range on them, what TYPES are they, what kind of response time do they have? Those are critical thinking questions someone would need to ask to make that OH MY GOSH THAT'S A HUGE NUMBER seem meaningful.
The announcement had nothing whatsoever to do with Iran. It had to do with YOU if you're a liberal lameo. So you could go OH MY GOSH! WE HAVE THAT MANY! BUSH NEVER TOLD ME THAT! I TRUST OBAMA NOW BECAUSE HE TOLD ME HOW MANY NUKES WE HAVE!!! OH HE'S REALLY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THIS!!!
Uh, listen dipstick. If he was "really doing something about it all" he would have ordered them torched tomorrow. But even our president with all his rhetoric has now seen that he can't do that because he has access to the intelligence we dealt with all the time in the military and responded to. He's finally got a clue but is just feeding his ego like a stupid child with a very powerful toy that can hurt him and everyone around him.
Let me tell you about the media. There's a thing in the military called "psyche warfare." What you see in the media and what's really going on are two different things. Really. I'm telling you this because I know it because I've seen it. The quote that comes to my mind on this comes from "Men In Black" when they are discussing what's kept secret from the masses by the governments:
Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.
Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.
In my working with sex offenders, I found the biggest reason they get away with what they get away with is because people DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE that someone could do that. It's just too hard to come to grips with the fact that the kind and loving uncle who is so eager to take the kids to the playground is actually abusing children. People don't want to believe that a government official could actually be screwing the masses while saying all these great platitudes just to get their vote. No, he couldn't be doing that. No black man with a Harvard education who knows how I feel because he read it off the teleprompter would actually do that! IMPOSSIBLE!
And when people find out they don't want to be responsible for destroying someones life. I don't want to cause a ruckus. I don't want to hurt his reputation. I think it only happened once. I was just seeing things. Denial denial denial. Lies lies lies.
That's why they get away with it. Because people don't want to believe it and when they do find out, they don't want to be involved because it's too horrendous.
I've met many people who lived through the 3rd Reich and the one thing they all said to me when I asked them about what they thought about Mr. Adolph's rise to power was "We didn't think he'd actually do it. We didn't believe he would go through with it."
On a personal religious note, I can say this, they aren't getting away with it. We all have to stand before our Maker one day and account for our lives and actions in the flesh. God sees it and many millions more of us see it and can testify as to the impact on our lives and the things we've been lied to on like "there will be no lobbyists in my administration" and such.
That aside, I really don't know what I could write in here mocking an outright liar anymore. It's just getting too deep. It really is.
So ALL THIS ASIDE....I really don't have anything to say for the moment. Oh, there's the spell check button. Nice. I wonder if that just got put there.
posted by sooyup