posted by sooyup
Normally I enjoy putting political radio show hosts in my Radio Roundup, but the law is as important as politics to the savvy conservative. Because what do liberals want to control and change besides controlling your vote and having record turnouts of the "deceased American" and illegal alien demographic turn out every election? The LAW!
Bill has two radio shows but I've only heard one of them and it's his weekend show called "Handel on the Law."
Handel on the Law is, as Bill says, where he gives you "marginal legal advice and tells you you have absolutely no case."
Bill, as you can guess, was an attorney. I actually don't agree with much of his personality because I find him abrasive and pretty rude and pushy at times. BUT, being the open minded conservative I am, I don't claim I'm polite and then be rude while claiming everyone around ME isn't open minded enough like liberals do. No, I listen to all types of personalities and deal with them. Besides, I suppose to be an attorney, you probably get tired of people who whine about wanting something their way when they aren't even paying attention to the legal reality of a situation and then scream "BUT ITS NOT FAAAAIIIIIRRRRRR" and take up precious radio time. Meanwhile he feels like he's getting paid (or not getting paid) for someone to just whine on his shirt sleeve without ever really getting to the point.
But at any rate, Bill takes phone calls on the weekend (played on Saturday here from 4-7pm) and answers all sorts of legal questions and tells people how to deal with them or gives them insight into the nature of the situation from a legal perspective. From what I've heard he sounds like he's a pretty active parent with his children and has some of the same values when it comes to being involved in their lives that I do. When it comes to the law and his children as a parent, I've found him to be an excellent source of insight and guidance on everything from their rights in school to handling estates when parents pass.
Bill also has a Lawyer Listing Service where you can go search for non-scheister lawyers (versus the scheister variety) that he personally recommends who meet certain ethical standards and criteria on his website and you can search for attorneys in different areas as well as specialties with this service on his website. In fact, often on his show when he tells people they have a case, he tells them to go to the website and where to look to find one.
If you want to listen to the show, you can click here to find out what show times are. Although I didn't see anything on his website that allows you to tune in live on the web, you can go search the web for the radio stations he broadcasts on and get a webcast from them. However, in the Portland area we have 1190 KEX (the most powerful and oldest radio station west of the Mississippi that can be heard as far away as Alaska and even Hawaii on some clear nights and is so powerful whenever you get within a couple miles of the radio tower, you can have your radio tuned to 750am but 1190 comes through until you're past the radio towers on I-205) which plays his show as well.
Get educated conservatives! Simply ranting against the regime won't save your butt when you have a legal problem! And knowledge ahead of time can make all the difference!