HEAR NOW: A bit of stupid news!

posted by sooyup

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This is where you start to wonder how much money people  waste on a journalism degree or what journalism is worth to begin with.

The volcano isn't expected to happen for at least another ninety thousand years, but it COULD go now if it went now. 


 And if it did....IF.....that is.....if it was big.....like, IF it was destructive?  Yes.  If it was destructive - it would be destructive.

And if it was VERY destructive.....then it would be VERY destructive.

But only if it erupted and was very destructive.

I really am glad I have these people out here reporting for me.  I couldn't figure that one out myself.  Maybe it's to boost my self esteem that I'm not dumb and then at the same time make me feel lousy that someone out there dumber than me is (probably) making more than I am.

Maybe someone should do a report on the glacier on Mount Hood about 70 miles from here and do a  report on just how deadly the glacier would be if it plowed off the top of it and somehow cruised into portland at 100 miles per hour.

I mean....it's not likely.  But it COULD happen.  And if it DID?  Well.....it would be dangerous!   But ONLY if you got caught in it. 

Here's a winner on that note:


And this is an exclusive!

And I don't know what this has to do with anything about what I'm writing about but it just cracked me up:

Is that even physically possible?  If you know or have pictures send them to me!  I'm kinda curious.

This isn't a headline, but it is the kind of stuff I got used to in law enforcement that played a factor in my  recent decision to turn down the opportunity to go back to patrol.  People really just need to realize what's  important, what's vital...and even if it IS important and vital - whether or not it's RELEVANT and even if it IS relevant whether or not there's anything anyone can do about it.  The individual is clearly a victim of their pool table being prematurely being worn out - not damaged - just....a little wear.  ITS THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING DARN IT!
MEANWHILE....back the the farm.

So this is what news does....makes you so you can't sleep at night because you're worried that the volcano that might go off prematurely before its due in the next 90,000 years.  Or informs you that someone was alive before they were dead.  Just a bunch of fear mongering.  I don't know which is worse though - that there are people who are dumb enough (and get paid) to write this stuff, or that there are people dumb enough (and who pay) to read this stuff and take time worrying about it.  No wonder the pharmaceutical industry for psychotropic meds in America is so thriving.  I think the news and pharmaceutical industry are in bed with each other.  That or they need to get together.

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