Okay y'all, I've heard I don't know how many news reports on the stupid protests today by the people who think they have the RIGHT to BREAK THE LAW because they are from Mexico or wherever and that somehow makes them special.
And in those news reports I don't know HOW MANY hispanics used the phrase "blonde haired blue eyed" in reference to caucasians in their complaints about others being stopped besides hispanics. As in "I don't see them stopping anyone who's blonde haired blue eyed." (Actually as a former police officer I can tell you that's not true - I never did it but I do know officers who if they saw a cute blonde haired blue eyed driver might find some reason to stop her but I digress).
Dude. Y'all. I don't even think I *KNOW* anyone who fits that description and I'm caucasian and so are most of the people I know and yet some of my closes friends are African, Punjabi Indian and Filipino. I'm 1/4 Italian so my complexion is just a bit dark and I have dark brown hair and my eyes are green (and in the military on patrol for 12 hours a day in the sun at one point I was darker than my full blooded Mexican roommate). My wife is a brown eyed brunette (and a lovely brunette at that!). Why is everyone so damned hung up on the stupid nazi ideal of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes????? Did we get overrun by Norweigans or something?????
You wanna know who's a nazi??? Let me tell you IN CASE YOU DIDNT KNOW - NAZI is the shortened word for the German for National Socialist. Hmmmm - who's the socialist? Okay and how frickin racist can America be for electing the idiot Kenyan in chief? Stupid most likely - racists obviously not (actually a bit more racism would have prevented this stupid mistake and either way you're running into stupidity, the stupidity of racism or the stupidity of Obama and his followers). And what did the Nazis do - um control the press? Check. Control the banks? Check. Control manufacturing industries? Check. Create a centralized national healthcare system? Check. Take over education? Check. Create a national civilian militant police force? On the drawing board.
I don't know WHO the HECK these hispanics are talking about or what country they are invading and complaining about but it sure isn't anywhere I've been in this country.
And while we're on it - here's an AWESOME video about the different types of governments - VERY well worth the watch:
posted by sooyup