30 Days - to Convert A Pacifist To A Gun Culture.....


posted by sooyup

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This is a really interesting website - it has a bit on a woman who's anti-guns who went and lived in the middle of Ohio with a family - the father is a Marine Veteran - and their family are a bunch of shooters.

Pretty sweet that she agreed to work in a gun shop and was open minded enough to and do this - after such a tragic event in her life of having a friend gunned down.  You gotta give her props for being brave enough to try it. 

What's interesting to me - is how many of us veterans oppose weapons after stuff like that....my father saw some massive action in Viet Nam - and he's a gun advocate - Grandpa shot some BIG GUNS in the Navy in World War II and he supported gun rights - though it wasn't as much an issue in the 60's and 70's - and then of course me.....

Anyways - this is a pretty good video: http://splodetv.com/video/30-days-gun-nation-episode

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