Movies I've Watched: With Honors (1994)


posted by sooyup

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It's an oldie - but a goodie, and so applicable to our current political situation in our country -  with Joe Pesci and Brendan Frasier.  Brendan is in Harvard, and is about to graduate with honors.  He's a political scientist and is about the most cynical piece of work on the planet and very self absorbed.  The catch isn't that he turns around - no - that's not it.  He does turn around.  But, a bum, (Joe Pesci) who lives in the basement of the Harvard library, ends up hooking up with "Harvard" (Brendan Frasier) and ends up accfompanying him to class and really teaching him a lot about life - things we can all relate to having thought when we were young and dumb.

But perhaps the greatest lesson from the movie is when the bum answers a question to the dean after being insulted  in the middle of a political science class for being a bum and an alcoholic about what makes the "Crude constitution" such a success.  "Because the founding fathers knew one thing that all great men know: That they don't know everything.  They knew they would make mistakes and so they provided a way for future generations to fix it.  The genius of the constitution is that it can be changed."   And he goes on, but I'll leave you to watch it.

At any rate, it's one of my favorites, I highly recommend it. It's not a touchy feely teen film like some Hannah Montana Disney movie where she really learns that all horses are equal or all dogs go to heaven or something - no - it's pretty deep and not in the sophist fashion either - its pretty real - and I really recommend it. That and Joe Pesci puts a nice spin on negotiation and bargaining and what "needs" and "life" are. 

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