He was big.
And he was black.
But apprently he's ashamed of it. Or in denial. And in need of Rehabilitation. " name is Rasheed Wallace...and.....I'm black...." "HI Rasheeed!" "I been black most my life, but, I been talkin like da...I mean...I have been talking like a caucasian human would speak for two days now..."

And the fact that they did it on Martin Luther King Day! OH THE HUMANITY! At least it didn't happen at Kentucky Fried Chicken after picking up some watermelons during Kwanzaa.I wonder if the "big black" man cried. Actually - racist would have been writing "big black" on his receipt, taking his money - and not giving his pizza and throwing him out for his skin color - with a lynching afterwards.
So they buy him off with $100 in gift cards - but "I don't think they've addressed my problem" says he.
The problem?
Yes I think they did. Now it's your turn mr. big black man with $100 worth of free pizza.
Not like in my time down in the DEEP south nobody ever referred to me (the only white guy in a sea of blacks) as "The white guy."
COME ON! Lets have a sense of humor about it! What if they said "Nappy hair" on the ticket? "Dreadlocks?" or "sounds like barry white?" What about "Green jacket" and then you switch jackets and don't get your pizza because you came back wearing a blue one?
I'm glad my black friend is nothing like this guy - my friend married a white scottish girl and have beautiful kids and he's a convert from Islam and agreat leader in our church and my kids and his get along just great together.