Death By: CAFFEINE! (And some personal thoughts on death)


posted by sooyup

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Yes, a man died of caffeine overdose.  If you've ever wondered whether what you're drinking is good for you - here's a detailed description of what a mega-caffeine overdose looks like.  You'll have to imagine for yourself what it feels like:

I'm wondering if this will qualify for a Darwin award.  

I really don't think death is funny.  Came too close to it too often in the military.  It saddens me in some cases, in others, I am happy for people because I believe better things await - but - death by caffeine?  I can think of worse ways - but I'd really rather either die in my sleep or be able to tell my loved ones goodbye after I go.

My wife's disability is excruciatingly painful.  The time will come when she will be finished with her mortal sojourn, and in some ways, it makes me sad to think that the day she is finally released from the prison of the painful flesh - I won't be able to share that moment with her to hug  her when she doesn't feel pain and see her be happy to be free of it.

Morbid?  I don't think so - but...sobering? Yes.  Death is a stranger in America, by and large.  But in many cases, I think of it as liberating and wonder the state of the souls of those who go and hope when they do they were ready and they finished what they came to accomplish here on earth.

Sometimes it makes me marvel to think that God knows and loves EVERY single person on this earth, and knows our weaknesses, our purpose, who we were before we came here, and while he may not like all the things we do - to think that he understands why we do things......just boggles my mind.  Even when I used to fly - I used to look down on houses and marvel that for as many as I could see, God knew every single person in them and every detail.

My father in law finally was able to help me understand how God knows everything regardless of the distance from here to wherever he is. Light only travel's at 186,000/miles per second.  But truth?  Truth just is.  It's instantaneous and omnipresent.  It doesn't have to travel.  It just is.  Simplybecauseitis.  In mortality we may struggle to express it, understand it, find it or interpret it - but to a perfect God?  Truth is. 

Anyways - all that from a death by caffeine.  I hope his family is well - an obligatory hope at the very least I think since I took the time to write about him in my article.

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