More on the Racist Pizza Receipt


posted by sooyup

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Okay - some more on the racist pizza receipt. (Go back a few entries in my blog - to the one that looks racist)

I kept thinking about how horrible it was that his Martin Luther King Junior day was ruined by this event - by being referred to as a "Big black" man.

Since Martin Luther wants people to be recognized for the content of their character and not the color of their skin, I was wondering if they should have put "Racist man" on his receipt.   Or even "emotionally sensitive" man.  Or "Likely to sue if he doesn't get it HIS WAY" man. 

Or - we could argue that since he was only standing in line - they didn't have time to get to know the content of his character until AFTER he started being petty about the whole thing - but "big black man" would have applied and let it go at that. 

I'm wondering how many people assumed the people who wrote "big black" on his receipt were white.  He could have been at an oriental pizza hut....a latino pizza hut.....but if he was, I wonder if he would have complained - or was it just the MLK day issue. \

However - maybe he hasn't seen this ad - and could benefit from this.

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I'm just sayin....anyways - now THIS is racist (PG-13 language) - LOL - if you don't know - after this guy gets done doing this - he's a professional comedian - he lets people know what he's doing and gets their permission to release the films and they sign a waiver - he's rarely met any opposition once he lets people know what he was doing - but - DANG! lol. Maybe it's from living down south and a bunch of other stuff - some people don't think it's funny - though trying to get his parking validated was pretty entertaining.....

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