Going Forward


posted by sooyup

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Well I'm working on getting started on going back to flying - I'm quite excited. 

I may see about trading in my Acura to get the down payment for something small like a Cessna 150 - anyways - we'll see how that goes.

I also managed to secure my second academic letter of recommendation for my doctoral degree.

You know what I'm not looking forward to in some ways?  For a doctoral degree in psychology - I have to spend a year in psychotherapy as a victim...I mean "patient" and my mental stability will be assessed for fitness for the profession among other things - they will take notes on all my dirty secrets to blackmail me if I ever run for political office. 

I know I have attention deficit - DUH - part of the reason I stopped flying the first time around because, while I function fine and was in the military without medication and even graduated my nuclear training without it - socially I do better on it.  Anyways, there's a new license out that I can probably qualify for but we'll see how that goes - I may be blocked depending on a few minor details.  My friend Mike, the non-communist Romanian Certified Flight Instructor - is going to call me back and help me figure all this out. 

Along with the attention deficit - I swear I'm mini-bipolar.  No wait - tourettes.  Yes, I have tourettes.

For example, one time I was requesting entry to final coming down in the Columbia River Gorge with some pretty intense downdrafts and crosswinds and I was all "Ground, Cessna 45659, I'm approximately nine miles out from the east requesting entry to final  $#@!$ ITS !$#! WINDY UP HERE! IS THIS !$#!#$ SAFE????"  Meanwhile I'm being shaken around enough to churn butter and wondering if I'm going to live.

 Takeoffs are optional - landings are mandatory.

Yes, tourettes and mini-bipolar and ADD account for the creativity in my blog - by which you know me - and the content of which my wife sometimes finds objectionable.  Actually I take that back.  OFTEN finds objectionable.  I'm going to blame biology and claim I can't help it and pull the "liberal" card on this one....until I repent.


Good times in life.......in its darkest days and most difficult times....we have been blessed. 

If only life gave us more time and less at the same time and any time we wanted......

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