Public Strip Searches To Fly On Commercial Aviation


posted by sooyup on

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Okay - not really.  But since the Department of Homeland Security Janet's Napolitano is so useless and Obama's so spineless and seems to think everything's just a joke and they just enjoy screwing things up - they could at least make airport security checks fun and entertaining involving some props rather than being groped by some smelly guy with rubber gloves.....know what I mean?

I wonder if everybody in the US, when they went through the line, got REALLY EXCITED and started fighting over who gets to get groped first and we kept asking the guys and girls at TSA to "Please - double check.....make me feel safe!" and leered at security, and smiled, or laughed like it tickled, if we could make them all feel so uncomfortable they would all quit.   It would have to be a group effort though - you don't want to be the only one - of course then you could get your own row on the plane.

You know I was designing a global aviation sales network at one time - and - you can own your own plane for ~$300/month and not have to go through security.  Or just get your sport pilot license that only requires a drivers license and go for it......but in the meantime - I am starting to think I'll just take the train.

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