Sunday Thoughts: Islam And the Neccessity of a Savior. Mercy & Justice.


posted by sooyup

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Islam claims that God can simply forgive you and there is no need for a savior or intermediary such as Jesus Christ. Islam also believes in the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  

However, in the Garden of Eden, there were a few commandments and conversations given that we still have record of.  For partaking of the forbidden fruit, the lord told them that Genesis 2:17 But of the atree of the bknowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the cday that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely ddie

If according to Islam, the God who was in the garden of Eden, could simply forgive them, then why did they still die? Clearly God couldn't simply forgive them - something different needed to happen - and on this precept regarding the need of a savior is where Christianity differs from Islam.

Further, if this was given in the beginning, then we would have to say for God to say that he could simply forgive them and therefore they wouldn't die - then God would be a liar - and then God would cease to be God and would have ceased already and would not be.

So, the question is simply, can God lie?  If not, then there needs to be a Savior.

Mercy cannot rob justice.   God cannot lie.  And God is perfect - we are His children - our potential is to become like him (Matthew 5:48, Romans 8:16- 18).  This in mind, our potential is infinite if we follow the commandments given and become like our Father - but in the meantime - we have been given the freedom to choose. We are not free to negotiate the terms that lie before us - they existed long before us - our gift is the freedom to choose - but we are only free to choose who we will serve or make our contracts with.  

And so, life being what it is - we are faced with a dilemma and a choice - "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve."  But mercy cannot rob justice.   Below is a nice sunday school lesson on this principle - I think it illustrates just how generous our Heavenly Father truly is and just how brilliant.

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