I don't know if I wrote this already....


posted by sooyup

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But something just reminded me of it and I had to post it because I really can't tell with the stupid/useless google searcher on this, my free blog that google lets me use for free while advertizing for them.  If I did write it - oh well - if not - I want to document it somewhere - for now - my blog will do!

Anyways, something just reminded me, a few months ago, we laid my step-father's remains to rest.  And I was offered the option of having a piece of his ashes in a vial or something.  Normally I wouldn't - realizing that in my religious beliefs we're all going to be resurrected and those things should (if possible) be kept together (still realizing some people have been seriously scattered - God's marvelous and can do anything - yadda yadda).

I had thought of having his ashes compressed into a "precious stone" which is something people are doing with loved ones here in the US.  I don't know about elsewhere in the world, but here, the seeming attitude in protestant christian America is that our bodies aren't us - and aren't our loved ones - just their remains - they move on.   But at any rate, I didn't have time to think when they asked me about it at the funeral home and so I said yes - picking the option that leaves me the most options down the road.  Make a stone - I don't know....too much pressure!

So they gave me a small urn and a bag with some ashes in it - and I got an uneasy feeling about it because I was taking part of "him" and it really should be together.  I thought out loud "to" the feeling, "Ah, Rich, you were overweight anyways, you could stand to lose a few ounces, won't hurt you."

So I brought home the box with the urn and - guess what?  A small plastic bag with what looked to be a crushed bone in it even.......strange day.....strange event......just.....wasn't ready for the question.  

They put it in a box that looks like a restaurant-food take-home box and my wife - ever the food lover - sees me come home from lunch with my mom with "left-overs" and asks "what'd you bring me?"  Realizing this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that would never repeat itsself and always up for an "opportunity"....I hand her the box and she opens it thinking it's food and there's a plastic bag with a bunch of ashes and what looks to be a bone sticking out of it right in my wife's face...and she realizes its the cremated remains of "Rich."


I couldn't not laugh.

I got told how wrong that was and "what are you doing bringing that home????" 

Yeah - I asked myself the same thing......you be on the spot realizing you only have one chance to answer and you may change your mind and aren't ready for it.....anyways..........

What's the point?  That I brought home a bit of ash?  Or that my wife thought she was getting a meal and opened a box of cremated remains which immediately killed her appetite?  Or that I'm tasteless?  I don't know....but I still smile when I think about it.....but I can imagine the look on rich's face if he saw me do that - I think he'd laugh after the fact but even that is too much for him....

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