SH! We don't say Merry Christmas - so instead we....


posted by sooyup

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So, you're not supposed to say "Merry Christmas" in the US in public anymore - it's forbidden - verboten - prohibited.  It oppresses people with a religious holiday and shackles them with the drudgery and slavery that is religion and forces it down their throat.  I had no idea that telling someone to essentially have a "happy holiday" could do all that.  While I was in home delivery, we used to do deliveries to Jehova's Witnesses houses who were very upset about me coming at Christmas time wearing a santa hat....and it really got on my I used to sing the catchiest Christmas carols I could think of while I was in there and pretend not to notice - it's hard to be mad at someone who's cheerful.  Yes, obnoxious I suppose - on both our parts.

But I think it's strange that while we aren't allowed to say "Merry Christmas" something else is changing.

When I was little - the Christmas decorations in the store came out after thanksgiving.  Then they started coming out a week before - then two - then three - and now?  I'm seeing Christmas decorations going up at the end of September! can't say it.....but you can sell it?

Or are stores compensating for not being able to say it?

I love Christmas.I know we're not there yet in terms of holidays - but - honestly?   Linus in Charlie Brown Christmas summed it up perfectly from the book of Luke. 

For what its worth, in terms of a religious holiday, Thanksgiving is my favorite from the religious standpoint.  I made it home from the military, some didn't make it home......and to sit at a table with good food and realize all I had to be grateful for.  I had seen a minefield, had seen people run across a minefield to try to make it to freedom and some didn't make it....picked some up.....had just seen the desperation of a human spirit yearning to breathe free.....and what one was willing to do for freedom.....I *AM* thankful.  One of the founding fathers noted that no nation in the world had such a beginning as ours - or at least that ours was one we did NOT need to be ashamed who's beginnings were founded in the desire to serve the Lord according to the best of their abilities and understandings.  For this reason I believe the land was given into the hands of those who came over. 

But for now, I suppose every generation needs to discover its self, personally, socially, politically, historically and religiously - I think Linus got it right and I think I will need to remember that this season.

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