Bizzarre Family Life Uncovered - that DOESNT involve something perverted!


posted by sooyup

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Hm!  This was a pleasant surprise!  I don't even know why I clicked on the link other than morbid curiosity - but normally some "secret life" means someone was either a man and is now a woman or married one of their kids and had children and had to tell the kid their grandfather is actually their uncle AND their dad or something like that.  But having entered herself into her own "witness protection program" and changing their identities to get away from the abusive father and having the kid find out just before her wedding because she can't get valid photo ID?  That was refreshing actually!

Although I'm wondering how the fiancee is going to feel now having found out that his bride-to-be, Melissa, is actually named Eva - and that after having already been off the emotional cliff of having confessed all the usual pre-newlywed stuff to each other about their skeletons in their closet and deciding they were okay with everything - suddenly finding out she has not just a skeleton but a zombie in the closet and way more baggage than he OR she thought including his soon-to-be mother in law going to prison and his wife-to-be needing to do prison visits on the other side of the country now and that he's marrying into a family with a warrant out for its arrest and trying to schedule the wedding around court hearings.

I wonder if they will have to re-do the wedding invites - re-print them?  Or just cross the name out and write the new one in?  

Anyways, she can go by Mrs. Husband's Last Name anyways so that wouldn't change a whole lot.

But - this is just whacked out!

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