posted by sooyup

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So the Dems are preparing their spin for the 2010 elections.  Now what would be a "rebuff" would be 100% of the seats in the house are won by Republicans.  I wouldn't mind seeing 100% of all candidates be won by the conservatives.  But anyways, we know that they aren't going to win 100% - WHICH MEANS THAT Americans, OBVIOUSLY, aren't through with the democrat party - there's still some belief and hope there - and the places where the dems win will be where "intelligence" is present.  SOMETHING - just wait and watch for it.   But we all know the democrats are corrupt anyways so this shouldn't be a surprise - but anyways, here's an article with the beginning of the spin:

Now, how's this spin? Because anything that doesn't fit this will be a SURPRISE!  And a victory! WHOO HOO!   Nothing is what it seems with these guys.  Nothing. 

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