Musings on growth and diversity.....


posted by sooyup

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Well, thanks to you kind readers, Simplybecauseitis is now well up and over 7,000 hits per month.

Anyways, the blog started while I was in Washington DC on a medical research trip for my wife courtesy of the Jain Foundation. 

Politically, I had grown tired of emailing people and wanted a place to archive my works with the ability to reach more people than email would allow.

So, Grouchy Old Cripple, a fellow Navy Vet,  served as the inspiration to blog and I began.

Anyways, we've been up and running now since March of this year and are at almost 37k hits in 7 months.  A pretty fast start for a blog, and partly due to the help of my fellow military veterans and bloggers, some of whom I've listed on the side.

Anyways, as for the voice of Simplybecauseitis,  I believe we can take America back my fellow conservatives and even deluded liberals.  Simplybecauseitis is a voice for that belief.  However, don't think our enemy, both seen and unseen, will surrender so easily.  They want our destruction and misery.  Our freedom was won by our forefathers with the sword and bullet and has been framed with the pen. 

Since then, those words have been threatened with sword and other pens  that seek to nullify or render void what was originally written - or by intellectuals who would never survive on the field of battle who cower in back rooms and hide their intentions with clever language afraid that if their plans ever became known they would face the wrath of an outraged electorate, hoping to fulfill their plans before it is too late for us to stop them - afraid of us conservatives and veterans and what we stand for and can do in this world were we truly unleashed on them, by vote, voice or even personally - and yet who rely on us to protect them and go fight their wars for them while they cower behind the American flag and its freedoms as they seek to overthrow them. 

I have personally seen a collapsed government built on the ideals that Liberals espouse and I can tell you - they do not have good intentions.  Nothing they want works. 

So - "Conquer we must when our cause is just, and this be our motto, In God We Trust."
Let us conquer in the realm of ideas and ideals and words, aware that America has a turbulent past and we've never been a completely unified people - we are and always have been an opinionated people and a diverse people - but when the chips are down - we are all Americans and we had best "hang together, or most assuredly we will hang separately."

For now - thanks for reading!

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